04 April 2007

It's been a long, long time...

Jeez! I haven't posted since July! What have I been doing since then? Not much, sadly. I'm working now, so I don't have my mornings and afternoons free to muse. Although I do get some time (not much) to post at Wannabebig Forums.

There have been many times that I wanted to post, but I got really lazy
for a while. And then IT happened. For some stupid reason, I decided to try Blizzard's World of Warcraft. Dumb idea. It is now a part-time job. So much to do, so
little time.

I'll post more of what I've been doing and what I'm thinking about a little later.

I'm trying out a new (free) editor called Nvu (pronounced "N-view") that can be downloaded at: Nvu.

Later, I'll try adding some pictures or tables or lists, and maybe jazz
up the text with some color.

Ta ta for now...


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