Some Random Rants
Why do people steer to the side of the road and slow down when an ambulance with its lights on comes their way in the opposite directon!? Do you think the ambulance will suddenly veer into your lane for no apparent reason? Do you think the drivers are so blinded by their mission of delivering the patient that he or she cannot control the vehicle or cannot see you? I have yet to see an emergency vehicle get hit by oncoming traffic...
Why does everyone on sports talk radio--hosts and callers alike--have to yell, as if each point he is making will be more salient or true by shouting? I love sports. I'm no fanatic; I'm a fan. I like to discuss the state of sports as well as my favorite and least favorite teams. But why must people (mostly guys) have to yell and almost scream to get a point across? I was listening to several sports talk stations today and I had to turn them all off--it was all noise, no talk. They should call it Sport Yell radio, not Sports Talk...
Hollywood. I will take a larger view on this waste of a once-proud industry soon. To wit: Take the Lead starring Antonio Banderas. Wow, what a new concept! Or rather concepts, plural. (1) A man out of his element, teaching in an urban school. (2) That man tries to teach some hoodlums (who are really good people at heart) something (science, math, the arts). (3) Kids in inner cities are generally reticient to accept anything but what they know from the street. (4) The kids who are initially skeptical, accept the teacher's ideas. (5) They are scoffed at by their peers, parents and society at large--these kids have no chance at succeeding because of who they are and where they come from. (6) In the end, the children win (or come close to winning--even better for character building!), thus silencing the preconceptions of society and learning self-respect along the way. (7) Now the kids have a way out of the ghetto and look to the future...
I haven't seen this movie yet (and I probably won't), but I have a feeling that the script will follow close to the theme(s) I've outlined above. Haven't we seen this before? Stand and Deliver, Dead Poets Society. Okay, Dead Poets wasn't about inner city kids, but replace them with "rich kids" in the above paragraph, and it's almost the same thing. And the movie industry wondoers why no one is going to the movies any more...
Why does everyone on sports talk radio--hosts and callers alike--have to yell, as if each point he is making will be more salient or true by shouting? I love sports. I'm no fanatic; I'm a fan. I like to discuss the state of sports as well as my favorite and least favorite teams. But why must people (mostly guys) have to yell and almost scream to get a point across? I was listening to several sports talk stations today and I had to turn them all off--it was all noise, no talk. They should call it Sport Yell radio, not Sports Talk...
Hollywood. I will take a larger view on this waste of a once-proud industry soon. To wit: Take the Lead starring Antonio Banderas. Wow, what a new concept! Or rather concepts, plural. (1) A man out of his element, teaching in an urban school. (2) That man tries to teach some hoodlums (who are really good people at heart) something (science, math, the arts). (3) Kids in inner cities are generally reticient to accept anything but what they know from the street. (4) The kids who are initially skeptical, accept the teacher's ideas. (5) They are scoffed at by their peers, parents and society at large--these kids have no chance at succeeding because of who they are and where they come from. (6) In the end, the children win (or come close to winning--even better for character building!), thus silencing the preconceptions of society and learning self-respect along the way. (7) Now the kids have a way out of the ghetto and look to the future...
I haven't seen this movie yet (and I probably won't), but I have a feeling that the script will follow close to the theme(s) I've outlined above. Haven't we seen this before? Stand and Deliver, Dead Poets Society. Okay, Dead Poets wasn't about inner city kids, but replace them with "rich kids" in the above paragraph, and it's almost the same thing. And the movie industry wondoers why no one is going to the movies any more...