31 March 2006

Apology and BG's Temporary State of Mind

Hey all. Once again, sorry for the delay in posting. A combination of boredom, sadness, depression, mopieness, tiredness, stress, lack of motivation has casued me not to post. It seems like every day I come up with something to put up here, but I don't seem to have the wherewithal to aggregate my thoughts into a coherent, meaningful missive. (Not that everything thus far has been either coherent or meaningful...)

There are so many topics I'd like to touch on, but I don't want to seem like I'm ranting on anything and everything. After all, this is supposed to be about ALL of me:" my thoughts, hopes, rants, peeves, loves, losses, passions, et al."

One thing I'm frustrated with is that I spend so much time at this computer looking at stupid shit when I could be putting my time to productive uses. One such use would be to keep up with my blog. It would be much better to post than to sift through Yahoo! Sports and Drudge and Wannabebig.com (see sidebar) and looking for torrents to snag.

I also have, like, five books with bookmarks in them that I could be finishing. Right now I'm in the process of reading Alexander Hamilton, Guns, Germs and Steel, this Sunday's New York Time Magazine, the current National Review, The Worldy Philosophers and History of Western Philosophy. I also have an unopened copy of Truman to begin. Fortunately, I at least finished The Kite Runner (thank you Tracy, my love, for buying that for me!)

Some rants to come...


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