17 May 2007

My odd thought of the day

These kinds of things keep me up at night.

Why do they have directions on shampoo bottles?

I'm guessing if you are old enough to read and don't know how to use shampoo, you have more pressing issues than some soiled follicles.

09 May 2007

My new favorite New York Post headline

My old favorite New York Post headline was from years ago when Hideki Irabu was stinking it up for the New York Yankees. There was a picture of the "Fat Toad" himself, after blowing a game, with the headline: "Hideki 'I Robbed You'". It was referring to how Irabu got a huge contract for a shitty performance.

However, I now have a new favorite. Ii saw this on a CNN piece about Paris Hilton. Paris, Britney and Lindsey together in a car with this caption:


Poor Elliot Mintz!

Poor Paris Hilton’s press rep Elliot Mintz. He took the fall for his employer’s stupidness. He said he should have been clearer when she asked him about the terms of her probation.


Wasn’t she there when the judge said her license was suspended? Maybe she was high.

But if I had a question about my probation, I wouldn’t ask my press agent. I would ask my LAWYER! You know, the guy whose job it is to keep track of that stuff. That’s like asking your stylist about your tax deductions.

What part of “suspended license” did she not understand? According to Mintz, he told Paris her suspension was for only 30 days and she could drive to work. Work? What the hell job does she have?

Well, someone had to take the fall. It’s never Paris’s fault. How could it be? She’s ‘hot”.

I hope he got a nice, under-the-table severance package.

08 May 2007

When will Wolfowitz quit?

I'm a big fan of Paul Wolfowitz. He's a very bright guy, and he knows his shit.

But he fucked up.

I don't think he is trying to advance America's agenda through the World Bank, even though the two entities mission is parallel in many aspects. I especially applaud his efforts to take away aid from corrupt countries. Why though millions and millions to governments, when only a portion of that gets through. It makes those firms who fund raise on behalf of the police look like altruist organizations.

But if you are going to talk the talk, you have to walk the walk. I know he didn't extort millions of dollars, or have sex with one of his teenage staffers. But to push for a huge raise and promotion for your girlfriend is clearly a conflict of interest that should not be overlooked.

While I think he is doing a good job, he has to step down to keep the credibility of the World Bank.

Sucks to be him.

Not much going on

Not much going on here. But I come up with a million things to put in here (rants, mostly), but when it comes time to post them, they are long gone.

Couple of things, though:

I've been on a semi-warpath with people's forum postings on various message boards. What's with the text-message shorthand? It's not like they have to post in 20 seconds to their friend who's gonna respond right back. They are message boards, not chat rooms!

Plus, why not use some white space and capital letters and punctuation? It doesn't take much effort to hit the enter key every now and again, or hold down the shift key to at least start a sentence.

I'm frustrated just typing this stuff.